LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 1.S. Department of Justice . United States Marshals Service Personal History of Defendant Taken into Federal custody by the following: Street Arrest {not from a correctional:detention facility) PATI Used (Must provide copy of writ) FER Cr LER [J Custodial Arrest (from a correctional detention facility) [J Prior Federal Arrest or Safekeeper - Register #: =. es [J Safekeeper Location: Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: effrey/ Sex: « F (1) Transgender Pregnant: [7] Y hs / | Race: A/ Hairs > RSJ | kve: CLE Height: ¢°7 / | Weight: 7.5 | vos: LN City of Birth: Lroeicl4 4f | State/Country of Birth: Af | Citizenship: Veo" FBI #: | State IDH: Alien #; [ssv: O97). FF | OOOO Resident AddressiCity/stateiZ1P:F & F/ SZ, A/ews YOKK gwd (O02 / Cell Phone: (2 52) 535-3 73 | Mafitat Status: S STS Home Phone: COURT CASE (b) (6), (6) (7)(©). (&) MEF TCM an CO mi naa lea) Agent Last Name: First Name: Agent Phone #: (b) ml oe (b) ( C) . (b) ( vay { Arrest Date: ear Z BERG fo Co yn AU SA(s) Assigned: Location/Facility of Arrest: Court Docket 4: NCIC Code Charge Description SEX ‘FORELIC LING “upp Title/Code . J Fasc 3 ZL Known Detainers/Warrants: N'Y - Agency: (Must provide a copy of any detuiners} Long Term Medical Conditions (c.g.. heart problems, diabetes, asthma. tuberculosis. IV, AIDS, hepatitis. ete.): Psychiatric/Emotionally Disturbed (e.g.. mental health concerns. suicidal. ete.): “pS Oy i Enjuries/Medical Ailments/Post-Op Recovery: Is fly Do the above conditions requjre Medical attention? N 5 ¥ Medication? “NOY Medical clearance by a licensed physician: “SO ~ OY {s Defendant under the influence of drugs or alcohol: A soy Languages - English: N Ey () 1.imited Other Language: N DY-List: Security Cautions: fhe or former military [) Current or former LE corrections C1] Current or tonner intelligence tor fonner public official (J Assault on LE corrections (] SAM subject or candidate fr for diplomatic immunity LD Leadership role (J Separation needs (Describe below) (J) Threat to witness (Describe below) ED Cl (Describe below) (CD Other Meseribe below) ULES Form USM-312 Page | of 3 Rev 11/17LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Remarks: ALIAS Last Name ALIAS First, Ml Remark Date of Birth |SSN State Driver's License b Sl 2 Ok oO a oo eT TT Dr Resident Address. City. State, Relationship Last Name First, Mil Register# | ZIP Code Sear/Mark/Tattoo (Specify) | Location Nit Description State and Registration Model Vehicle Style | Plate # Date License Number License State Miscellancous Number | Type (Select front dropdown menu or type below) | Remarks (c.g, Issuing State or Country. ete.) Occupation: Seer Lin DLa¢- Company/Employer Name: Si, As Lust Corr Employment Address: VIR E/ Ts Lawl £ | Phone: S94 “TIS = JS Start Date: End Date: Point of Contact: Bank Name Account Type Account # Branch Address Discharge Type | Military Occupation | Remarks Additional Information/Remarks/Continuation: Defendant Risks: *Reqidres remarks below Sex Offender: [j Escapee fj Planned Murder (J Arrest (C] Conviction (CO Organized Crime* ([j Protected Witness L] Registered (D Revistration Violation [j International Terrorist [] Domestic Terrorist ([] Gang Member* C) Significant Criminal History (J Multiple Defendants L] Death Penalty Case U.LES Form USM-312 Page 2 of 3 Rev 11/17LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSTPING [ahve misc Criminal History (Select from dropdown menu or type offense below) Arrest (#) Conviction (4) [+] ve (K name of gang or criminal organization, etc.): t t [7] Money Launderer [[] Kingpin F7] Violent Offender i internet Source Remarks (c.g., email address, website address, username, etc.) NOTICE TO ARRESTING AGENTS: Asa courtesy, the USMS may temporarily hold an arrestee received by non-USMS personnel in the cellblock until the arresting agent(s) make arrangements for the prisoner's initial appearance before a United States Magistrate. A prisoner remains the responsibility of the arresting agency until remanded to the custody of the USMS by the courts. When a courtesy hold is allowed by the USMS to be housed in a USMS cellblock, a minimum of one agent from the arresting agency must be available to respond to the cellblock in order to address any issues with their prisoner (e.g.. medical. disciplinary ). If the arresting agency refuses to comply with USMS procedures, the courtesy hold may be refused. Meals are not provided by the USMS. and remain the responsibility of the arresting agent(s}. ARRESTEE PROCESSING CHECKLIST ARRESTEE PROCESSING CHECKLIST For Arresting Officer Only For USMS Personnel Only USM-312 (Personal History of Defendant) (] Confirm all arresting agent documentation is completed and . . : . . inserted into prisones's file Medical clearance (Irom licensed physician), if necessary ; ra w a d Cc] USM-312 (Persenal History of Defendant) - review edt Op) OF Arrest Warrant. if Issue signed and cated by intake DUE SAVE DEO Copy of Compiaint. Information. or Indictment, if completed re . . P ompr ° ‘ some complete (F) USM.-S52 (Prisoner Medical Records Release Form) - (_] Copy of Detainer(s), if issued completed, signed and dated by mtake DSAL DLO [] Copy of Writ. if applicable (] USM-18 (Federal Prisoner Property Reevipt) - completed L] Correctional facility discharge papers, if appticable signed und dated by intake DUSM DELO (] Correctional facility prisoner receipt. if applicable LL) USM-40 41 (Prisoner Remand) - inserted tte prisoner's file (J Correctional facility medical summary. if applicable () USM-130 (Prisoner Custody Alert Notice), if applicable - DIGI OM reia inserted into prisoner's file Prepared By - Name: Le ia Oe / [] FD-249 (Fingerprint Card) - printed and inserted into prisoner's file [_] Prisoner Photograph (from Booking Package) + peritesd wid Badge 4: finey. tpt bth. (Bho phen (b) (6), (6) (7)(O) ULES Form USM-312 Pave 3 of 3 Rev 11/17| STATE USAGE ; FF SECOND | SUBMISSION APPROXIMATE CLASS. AMPUTATION SCAR STATE USAGE LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME, SUFFIX | EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD SIGNATURE OF PERSON FINGERPRINTED _ SOCIAL SECURITY NO. | EAE BLA — Ke i x 090-41 —_ = aed l LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDOLE NAME, EPSTEIN, JEFFREY E ~ BING : STATE IDENTIFICATION NO VoaTe OF BIRTH MM DO YY See ace Hetcar 7 Weicat—SDeves 787075K6 NY46148790 01/20/1953 M w | N72 18s BLU TAXEN SIMULTANEOUSLY ee ee ee 8 Fe ee eee ey te ee we ee we me eee eee et se wh were ee CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION, CLARKSBURG, WY 26306 PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 (PL, 93-579) REQUIRES THAT FEDERAL, STATE. OR LOCAL AGENCIES INFORM (NDIVIOUALS WHOSE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER IS REQUESTED WHETHER =; SUCH DISCLOSURE IS MANDATORY OR VOLUNTARY. BASIS OF AUTHORITY FOR SUCH SOLICITATION, ANO USES WHICH WILL BE MADE OF IT oo seine sles! NYUSMO. dal — —al JUVENILE FINGERPRINT OATE OF ARREST ORI 306 . UNITREYISSMERBOMARSHALS SERVICE SUBMISSION YES MM oO YY CONTRIBUTOR 07/08/2019 ADORESS Sa ae as NEW YORK, NY REPLY YES DESIRED? ¥ SEND COPY TO DATE OF OFFENSE PLACE OF BIRTH (STATE OR COUNTAY) COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP JENTER ORI MM oc v¥ NY us 07/08/2019 oo } — aaa sarnianitinimsieltle aia mem MISCELLANEOUS NUMBERS SCARS. MARKS, TATTOOS, AND AMPUTATIONS PP-566672615 PP-5169238392 PP-469911707 RESIDENCE/COMPLETE ADDRESS city —_ STATE 9 EAST 71ST NEW YORK NY 1002) us GFFICIAL TAKING FINGERPRINTS LOCAL IDENTIFICATION/REFERENCE — PHOTO AVAILABLE ae [NAME OF NUMBER) 7 9 — (b) ‘Cope ()) 7, rte iB (b) (/ )(F) PALM PRINTS TAKEN? ves UMPLOYER IF U.S. GOVERNMENT, INDICATE SPECIFIC AGENCY OCCUPATION 7 —— “ \f MILITARY, LIST SRANCH OF SERVICE AND SERIAL WO BANKER CHAAGE/CITATION = Saat | Ors#os TION —_ — 07/08/2019 3699-Sex Offense ADDITIONAL AODITIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/BASIS FOR CAUTION : STATE BUREAU STAMP FD-269 (Raw 5-11-99) GUO U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE :04/13/2010 13:09:43 DOCKET No. Lit DEFENDANT AUSA i DEF.’S COUNSEL : QRETAINED QO FEDERAL DEFENDERS O cjA D PRESENTMENT ONLY 0 INTERPRETER NEEDED 0 DEFENDANT WAIVES PRETRIAL REPORT ORuleS ORule9 O Rule 5(c\3) O Detention Hrg.. DATE OF ARREST O VOL. SURR. TIME OF ARREST 0 ON WRIT O Other: | 3 TIME OF PRESENTMENT BAIL DISPOSITION G SEE SEP. ORDER O DETENTION ON CONSENT W/O PREJUDICE O DETENTION: RISK OF FLIGHT/DANGER O SEE TRANSCRIPT O DETENTION HEARING SCHEDULED FOR: O AGREED CONDITIONS OF RELEASE O DEF. RELEASED ON OWN RECOGNIZANCE Os PRB O FRP O SECURED BY $ CASH/PROPERTY: O TRAVEL RESTRICTED TO SDNY/EDNY/ O TEMPORARY ADDITIONAL TRAVEL UPON CONSENT OF AUSA & APPROVAL OF PRETRIAL SERVICES O SURRENDER TRAVEL DOCUMENTS (& NO NEW APPLICATIONS) O PRETRIAL SUPERVISION: OREGULAR OSTRICT OAS DIRECTED BY PRETRIAL SERVICES OC DRUG TESTING/TREATMT AS DIRECTED BY PTS O MENTAL HEALTH EVAL/TREATMT AS DIRECTED BY PTS 0 DEF. TO SUBMIT TO URINALYSIS; IF POSITIVE, ADD CONDITION OF DRUG TESTING/TREATMENT O HOME INCARCERATION OHOMEDETENTION OCURFEW OELECTRONIC MONITORING OGps QO) DEF. TO PAY ALL OF PART OF COST OF LOCATION MONITORING, AS DETERMINED BY PRETRIAL SERVICES O DEF. TO CONTINUE OR SEEK EMPLOYMENT [OR] O DEF. TO CONTINUE OR START EDUCATION PROGRAM O DEF. NOT TO POSSESS FIREARM/DESTRUCTIVE DEVICE/OTHER WEAPON O DEF. TO BE DETAINED UNTIL ALL CONDITIONS ARE MET O DEF. TO BE RELEASED ON OWN SIGNATURE, PLUS THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: ean ; REMAINING CONDITIONS TO BE MET BY: ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS/ADDITIONAL PROCEEDINGS/COMMENTS: 0) DEF. ARRAIGNED; PLEADS NOT GUILTY O CONFERENCE BEFORE D.3. ON 0 DEF. WAIVES INDICTMENT O SPEEDY TRIAL TIME EXCLUDED UNDER 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7) UNTIL For Rule 5(¢)(3) Cases: 0 IDENTITY HEARING WAIVED O DEFENDANT TO BE REMOVED CO PRELIMINARY HEARING IN SDNY WAIVED O CONTROL DATE FOR REMOVAL: _ PRELIMINARY HEARING DATE: O ON DEFENDANT’S CONSENT DATE: I | i UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE, S.D.N.Y. WHITE (original) - COURT FILE PINK - U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE YELLOW - U.S, MARSHAL GREEN - PRETRIAL SERVICES AGENCY Rev'd 2016 JH -2 United States Marshals Service - LIMITED OFFICIAL USE USM-129 individual Custody/Detention Report Prepared on: 08/29/2019 |Name: EPSTEIN JEFFREY EDWARD |USMS Number: 76318-054 —- FID: 10127184 | I. IDENTIFICATION DATA USMS NUMBER: 76318-054 NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD ADDRESS: 9 EAST 71ST NEW YORK, NY PHONE: {212) 533-3739 10021 DOB: 01/20/1953 AGE: 66 POB: BROOKLYN, NY SEX: M RACE: W HAIR: BRO EYE: BLU HEIGHT: 6'00" WEIGHT: 185 SSN: 090-41 FBI NBR/UCN: 787075K6 ALIEN NBR: OTHER NUMBER OTHER NUMBER TYPE ISSUE DATE EXP DATE REMARK 516923892 Passport Number 469911707 Passport Number US PASSPORT Originating Police NY46148790 or Identification NY SID # Number Originating Police FL06587245 or Identification Number 566672615 Passport Number 03/08/2019 03/07/2029 US PASSPORT # ** SPECIAL CAUTIONS NOT CLEARED AND MEDICAL REMARKS SEPARATEE Mental Concerns Suicidal Tendencies TB CLEARANCE STATUS ASSESSMENT DATE EXPIRED DNA TEST DATE TAKEN? DEPUTY REMARKS/KIT # N/A No N/A FBI ARREST DETAINER DATE L/R ACTIVE? AGENCY REMARK *k / a / KEK N PRISONER ALIAS ALIAS REMARK EPSTEIN, JEFFREY E II. CUSTODY INFORMATION Custody 1 | custopy START DATE: 07/08/2019 | END DATE: 08/10/2019 Printed by District: 54 This Information is the Property of the U.S. Marshals Service and Shall Not be Page 1 of 2 **Limited Official Use** Publicly Released or Disseminated Without U.S. Marshals Service Authority. United States Marshals Service - LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Prepared on: 05/26/2019 USM-129 Individual Custody/Detention Report |Name: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD |USMS Number: 76318-054 _ FID: 10127184 | CUSTODY STATUS OFFICE START DATE: END DATE REMARK WT-CASE~-RESOLVE 054 07/08/2019 08/10/2019 RL-SUICIDE 054 08/10/2019 08/10/2019 COURT CASE 1 DISTRICT OFFICE JUDGE US ATTORNEY DEFENSE ATTORNEY NY/S 500 PEARL ST. 19-CR-00490 ee ARREST DATE ARRESTING AGENCY ARREST LOCATION issiaieseli Arrests : FEDERAL BUREAU OF 07/08/2019 INVESTIGATION CODE OFFENSE REMARK DISPOSITION Offenses Cc 18 USC 371 SEX TRAFFICKING 3699 Sex Offense CONSPIRACY Other COURT CASE STATUS START DATE END DATE REMARK ARREST 07/08/2019 07/08/2019 WT-TRIAL 07/08/2019 08/10/2019 CASE-RESOLVED 08/10/2019 08/10/2019 INST INSTITUTION NAME ADMIT RELEASE BOARDED ACTION OR DISPOSITION NYM MCC New York 07/08/2019 08/10/2019 33 TOTAL DAYS BOARDED 33 (0 BND, 0 MED) III. MEDICAL CONDITION/TREATMENT HISTORY DATE SERVICE PROVIDED VENDOR SERVICE PROVIDED x* / * / eteter Printed by District: 54 “Limited Official Use** This information is the Property of the U.S. Marshals Service and Shall Not be Publicly Released or Disseminated Without U.S, Marshals Service Authority Page 2 of 2Ns * Ay CS. a Islands +3 © LITTLE ST. JAMES ST THOMAS VI 00802 sex M Hegnt 60" [ss BLU “é 1/20/1953 Serves 1/26/2024 ate sue 3/6/2019 oo. O00GES 336 EFFREY & EPSTEIN : 368 £L BRILLO WAY S PALM BCH, FL 33480-4730 Fg BOB: 001 -B0. 1853 SEX: M HoT: 6-00 : “. , Sen (hic % > pee 9910805210033 943.0435, FSBRET CLASS: A- Private | Endorsement(s) REPLACEMENT UCENSE REQUIRED WITHIN 10 DAYS OF ADDRESS CHANGE OR NAME. CHANGE UIA RBARA £. MCINTOSH waew.bmv ¥ Director ed (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) § UnitedHealthcare Heaith Plan (80840) 911-87726-04 Member !0 8540 Group Number: 272605 Member JEFFREY EPSTEIN SOUTHERN TRUST COMPANY Payer ID 87726 Re bin 1027 Office: $20 ER: $200 Rx PCh ; ° UrgCare:$75 Spec: $30 Rx on Une UnitedHeaithca x re JI - 0504 Underwritten by Unitedtieatthcare ake Eas 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) NAME OF BENEFICIARY JEFFREY E EPSTEIN MEDICARE C SEX 090-44 MALE IS ENTITLED TO EFFECTIVE OATE HOSPITAL (PART A) 01-01-2018 MEDICAL (PARTB) 02-0 018 SIGN HERE = ; —™ YamSFL TLS LG PS CF ee f Ae i fe | mae | A | pm beers Printed: 12/17/16 MEI Members: We're here to help. Check benefits, view claims, find a doctor, ask a question and more. Web: Call anytime to speak Email: with a Nurse Phone: 800-782- Mental Health: 800-842-2065 Providers: 877-842-3210 Or Medical Claims: P.O. BOX 740800 ATLANTA GA 303740800 PR -MAPFRE - PO Box70297, San Juan, PR 00936-8297 oh a wu ; MultiPian =MAPFRE Facts EREAgRE Serves 7 Pharmacists: 888-290-5416 Pharmacy Claims: OptumRx PO Box 29044 Hot Springs, AR 71903 a oe a with you when you're awa heer het noe or docior see your card when you ne ae pad i seo oF eal services under Medicare. See wherever you live in the United State: : Issued only for use of the named beneficiary nient ntentional rnisuse of this card is unlawful and may be punishable by fines, impri : ee , Imprisonm lf found, drop in nearest U.S. at ial eee CCM S&S Questions about Medicare PON RS TOR MEDICARE A MEDICAID SERVIC ES > visit Centers for Medi ect eee . c ICA Medicaid Services « (1-800-633-4227); me Battimore, MD 21244-1850 TTY: 1-877- orm CMS-1966 (04/2015) 1-877-486-2048)Local Boaters Option Registration Card Name: i eur Number: BR- — /¢ U.S. Customs and Border Protection ara MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE a ; Name/Nombre JEFFREY & EPSTEIN Medicare Number/NG Aedicare 3NQ7-CY Coverage starts/Cobertura empieza Entitled to/Con derecho a HOSPITAL (PART A) 01-01-2048 MEDICAL (PART B) 02-01-20 am To Report Arrival, Call: Puerto Rico 1-877-529-6840 or (787) 729-6840 Port of St. Thomas (340) 774-6755 Port of St. John (340) 776-6741 Port of St. Croix (340) 773-1011 You may be asked to show this card when you get health care services. Only give your persona! Medicare information to health care providers. your insurers. or people you trust who work with Medicare on your behalf. WARNING: Intentionally misusing this ce may be considered fraud and/or other violation of federal law and i punishable by law. Es posible que le pidan que muestre esta tarjeta cuando reciba servicios de cuidado médico. Solamente dé su informacién persor de Medicare a los proveedores de salud, sus aseguradores o personas de su confianza que trabajan con Medicare en su nombt jADVERTENCIA! EI mai uso intenciona! de esta tarjeta puede ser considerado como fraude y/u otra violacién de la ley federal y es sancionada por la ley. a ‘é 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227 / 7 TTY: 1-877-486-2048); 5 Mod AO 442 (09/13) Arrest Warrant AUSA Name & Telno: Alison Moe, 212-637-2225 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Southern District of New York United States of America V. ) ) Case No. 19CRIM 490 * Jeffrey Epstein ’ 2 ~~ Defendant ARREST WARRANT To: — Any authorized law enforcement officer YOU ARE COMMANDED to arrest and bring before a United States magistrate judge without unnecessary delay {name of person to be arrested) _ Jeffrey Epstein - _ > who is accused of an offense or violation based on the following document filed with the court: @ Indictment O Superseding Indictment © Information © Superseding Information OF Complaint O Probation Violation Petition © Supervised Release Violation Petition OViolation Notice © Order of the Court This offense is briefly described as follows: Title 18, United States Code, Section 371 (sex trafficking conspiracy) Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1594(a), (b)(2), and (2) (sex trafficking of minors) saggy SET TES Date: 07/02/2019 City and state: _ New York, NY The Honorable Barbara Moses, \S. Magistrate Judge Printed name and title Return This warrant was received on (date) , and the person was arrested on (date) _ at (city and state) Date: Arresting officer's signature Printed name and title UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Before any arrestee can be processed by the USMS any and all medical problems/conuitions must be declared. This form must be completed for each arrestee and given to the responding USMS personnel before the arrestec | will be received for processing. Arrestee name: AFF, AM " . Does arrest e have a Prior féderal arrest? Circle: (YES) NO If yes, please list the arrestee’s USMS number. if you cannot identify USMS number, please provide arrest information (IE: date, arresting agency, location) - a Arrestee’s representation for this days Proceeding: (Circle) Legal Aid CJA etained, SUBRTY Mev beeg if legal aid, has arrestee met with counsel? YES Gy C6//2) 9O/- SAFZ. Does the arrestee have any current detainers? Circle: If yes, please fist: _ . Doe arrestee have any ‘ong tey ledical condition or condi (to include: he: 1 problems ¢ betes, asthm: tuberculosis, HIV, AIDS, hepatitis etc.)? Circle: YES Does arrestee require medication/medical attention for this condition? Circle: YES NO Do you, as the arresting Currently possess at least one days dosage of the arrestee’s medication? Circle: YES (NO Explain: Does arrestee have/display/vump mrof any other medical ail. :nts(1E: broken bones, open wounds etc.) Circle: YES (NO Does arrestee require medication/medical attention for this condition? Circle: YES NO Do you, as the arresting Urrently possess at least one days dosage of the arrestee’s medication? Circle: YES (NO Explain; a Is the arrestee a drug addict/user? Circle: YES (NOD If yes, does this require any special medical program (IE: methadone treatment)? Explain: Do you. as the arresting agent, i licabie, possess a medical clearance/fit for confinement letter from a healthcare professional? Circle: YES (NO (Please attach) omic e 1; Have you completed any and all USMS paperwork. eo ° To include: USMS 312 (Please fill out all forms as completely as possible) Attache:' a photo of arres:ve to paperwork. 3. Fingerprint cards *! for USMS file A *) for the FBI for FPC classification 4. Filled out and attached the BOP-9. 3. Strip searched arrestec. *****NOTE TO ALL ARRESTING AGENTS****2 Be advised, the USMS provides the COURTESY of holding and producing arrestee prior to the arrestee’s magistrate court appearance. However, the arrestee is not considered 2 USMS prisoner until a U.S. Magistrate Judge REMANDS Said arrestee to USMS custody. This means that as the arresting agent, you must be available at all times to respond to any aad all matters conceruing your arrestee, as you are the respoasible party. United States Marshals Service Policy and Procedures Manual § 1. ha)Vuucd States Marshals Service (USMS) PRISONER MEDICAL RECORDS RELEASE FORM Reo a Cee ae en, Fis ty be compicied vy the USMS Inuke Officer. Sections if & iif are to be completed by the Prisoncr. Section It may be completed by the USMS Intake Officer if the Prisoner is unable - Or unwilling, but Section [i must be signed by the prisoner. If pri i Signature block. All refusals should be immediately repo: Prisoner Services Division. The completed USM form 552 is to be retaj rrtvrns frrrimawin a " ONDE Gg SRSEND. Ne Geteet Section I - USMS Prisoner Information —_——_. 1, Prisoner Name (Last. First, MJ) j USMS Prisoner Ta eee, Seep E _ — fee OSH PNY 054 [Aer | Section If - Prisoner Personat Data And Medical Information Die = 44- 6. Date OF Birth (Mo/Day/¥r} [7-2 P- S32 tC 8. Medicai Insurance tnformation A) insurance Gom: any Name Wied here? h Cy Section HI - Medical Consent And Records Release + ee { certify that the information 1 have provided above is truc to the best of my knowiedye I hereby authorize the United States Maeshals Service ta foquest. review, and have acecss to all me during the time that | am in the Custody of deat agency. and to all oflicr medical tecends providing me with appropriate medical care. adjudicating medical bills for health Care Services provided fo me while in the Custody United ow Service. and for tecions Gevee siowwtcs, |= LEG “OOOO OROID) — 2:7 Original--Prisoner File Copy to District File team WM -682 e - " -@ own Cony Upon Transfer Admaeeatend 28-404United States Marshals Service - LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Prepared on; 07/06/2019 Booking Package Photos USMS NUMBER: 76218-054 Date of Arrest: 07/08/2019 ORI; NYUSMO300 FBI 787075K6 Number/UCN: Last Name: EPSTEIN First Name; JEFFREY Middle Name: EDWARD Sex: M Height:6'00” Eye Color: BLU Race Code: W Weight:185 LBS Hair Color: BRO DOB: 01/20/1953 View +: FRONT Date Taken: 07/08/2019 “*Limited Official Use** This Information is the Property of the U.S. Marshals Service and Shall Not be Publicly Released or Disseminated Without U.S. Marshals Service Authority Page 1 of 3United States Marshals Service - LIMITED OFFICIAL USE in la LN el Booking Package Photos View : RIGHT Date Taken: 07/08/2019 “Limited Official Use** This Information is the Property of the U.S. Marshals Service and Shall Not be Publicly Released or Disseminated Without U.S. Marshals Service Authority. Page 2 of 3United States Marshals Service - IMITED OFFICIAL USE Prepared crieoqpayoi8 Booking Package Photos USMS NUMBER: 76318-054 Date of Arrest: 07/08/2019 ORI: NYUSM0300 FBI 787O075SK6 Number/UCN: Last Name: EPSTEIN First Name: JEFFREY Middle Name: EDWARD Sex: M Height:6'00" Eye Color: BLU Race Code: W Weight:185 LBS Hair Color: BRO DOB; 01/20/1953 **Limited Official Use** This Information is the Property of the U.S. Marshals Service and Shall Not be Publicly Released or Disseminated Without U.S. Marshals Service Autharity Page 3 of 3POD Forms - USMS552_} Page | of | U.S, Department of Justice Form Date : 7/8/2013 United States Marshals Service (USMS) PRISONER MEDICAL RECORDS RELEASE FORM Document Number: 540541911 INSTRUCTIONS: Section 1. HT & IP ts to be completed by the USMS Intake Officers. Section [1 must be signed by the prisoner I Nr I 1. Prisoner Name (Last, First, 411); 2. USMS Prisoner: 3. Date of Birth (¥lo/Day/t y}: EPSTE\N JEFFREY EOWARD 76318-054 1/20/1953 4. Disivict #: 5, District Name: 6. Office 54 Southern District of New York 500 PEAR. ST uot ' Wf Novel Nbeedis sal Lento tee tacen 7. Medical Insurance Coverage? O Medical Insurance Information A) Insurance Company Name: United Healthcare C) Name of ¥ our Physician: D) Phone Number: Or Bruce Moxcowitz 8. Medicare/Mcdicaid Coverage? © Yes O No ! scale Sed Kaceriis Relea [ certify that the information L have provided above is true to the best of my knowledge Uhereby authorize the United States Marshals Service to request, review, and have access to all medical records of care provided to me during the tame that {am in the custody of that agency , and to all other medical records deemed necessary for the purposes of providing me with appropriate medical care, adjudicating medica! bills for health care services provided to me while in the custody of the United States Marshals Service. and for infectious disease clearances Signature of Prisoner: Date: 7/8/2019 Refused To sign OO USMS Representative: Date Downey, Vincent (USMS) 7/8/2019 Form USM-S$ 2en,2.18 7/8/2019USM18 D54 Page 1 of | U.S, Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Receipt Date 7/8/2019 Federal Prisoner Property Receipt Receipt Number 54-054-2007 PRISGSER INDORVELTIO’ Prisoner Name (Last, First, M1): USSIS#@: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD 76318-054 District #: District Name: Office 54 Southern District of New York A} PROPERTY BISPOSTHION © No Property © Transfer O Pick Up © Mai © Oestroy Signature of Prisoner: Date: — 2019-07-08 | | | | By my signature | acknowledge that | have no personal property to declare while in U.S. Marshals Service custody USMS representative: Downey, Vincent (USMS) Submit Successful and File Name is EPSTEIN JEFFREY EOWARD2019-07-08711 38:01- Form USM-18en.3.18 7/8/2019 @ habce Detainee information System 085) v1 1.0.56 s1$ a EP 4 a a ee ) gon mee a — Eis See Lawak Se] comme errcaw, mn bE===) a ane | ores = ~—) eee | penny Tepes wc van ante er ee a, > a Le ee low.‘a 5-part form.” Fill/out the form’ and!print-5 copies!) Sign as needed and-route as specified|be PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN [») VW ge "Insiructio v e U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service PLAINTIFF COURT CASE NUMBER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 19 CR 490 DEFENDANT TYPE OF PROCESS JEFFREY EPSTEIN Noticé of Lis Pendens NAME OF INDIVIDUAL, COMPANY, CORPORATION. ETC. TO SERVE OR DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO SEIZE OR CONDEMN SERVE J) United States Marshal Service- Southern District of New York AT ADDRESS (Street or RFD, Apartment No.. City. State and ZIP Core) 500 Pear! Street, New York, New York 10007 SEND NOTICE OF SERVICE COPY TO REQUESTER AT NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW Number of process to be =a served with this Form 285 i GEOFFREY S. BERMAN, U.S. ATTORNEY -SDNY Parabor of paatice to be = UNITED STATES ATTORNEY'S OFFICE scrvcd in this case __ SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ce ONE SAINT ANDREW'S PLAZA ; " r | NEW YORK. NY 10907-1703 sy dled = SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR OTHER INFORMATION THAT WILL ASSIST IN EXPEDITING SERVICE ({nclude Basiness and Alternate Aildresses. Ail Telephone Numbers, and Estimated Tinses Available for Service): Fold Fold Please execute the attached Notice of Lis Pendens in New York County, NY with regards to the property located at 9 East 71st Street, New York, NY 10021, Block No. 1386, Lot No. 10 owned by Maple Inc. Signature of Aug TELEPHONE NUMBER ~~ ONSTG TS is ie | Com DATE acknowledge reccipt for the toint | Toto! Process | District of . | District to number of process indicated. Origi ay ) (b) ae) (b 7)(F Bronco vns | | a “sy ae Thereby certify and return that I CO have personally served , C0 have legal evidence of service,C] have execfted as shown in "Remarks", the process ¢ on the individual , company, corporation, etc., at the address shown above on the on (he individuat , company/corparation, etc. shown at the address inserted below, C1 Thereby certify and return that [ am untable fo locate the individual, company, corporation, etc. named above (See remarks below) Name and title of individual served (if not shown above) (J A person of suitable age and discretion then residing in defendant's usual place of abode , Address (compleze only different than showa above} $ Fee Total Mileage Charges| Forwarding Fee Total Charges Advance Deposits , including exdecvers) (Amount of Refund*) $0.00 REMARKS: TH Ald Whe Noha de lis Raviens wl the AY Cont G2 DRG esluie =|. CLERK OF THE COURT PRIOR EDITIONSMAY BE USED 2. USMS RECORD 3. NOTICE OF SERVICE 4, BILLING STATEMENT®: Ta be retumed to the U.S. Marshal with payment, ifany amount is owed. Please remit prompdy payable to U.S, Marshal. \ or Form USM-285 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT Rev. 12/80 2819 JUL] PH 3: 48 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ee x UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Vv. - NOTICE OF PENDENCY JEFFREY EPSTEIN, 19 Cr. 490 (RMB) Defendant. ee i ee ii rrr ili li creole ee ee OE Ul xX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced in this Court upon the indictment of the abovernamed defendant and against the named property for forfeiture thereto, which premises are known generally as follows: NEW YORK COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 Fast 71st Street, New York, New York 10021, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, designated on the Tax Map of the City of New York for said Borough, as Block Number 1386, Lot Number 10, which is more particularly described in Schedule A attached hereto.Please index this notice of pendency against the above~ described property and also against the name of Maple, Inc. Dated: New York, New York July 8, 2019 GEOFFREY S. BERMAN United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York United States of America “ALISON G. MOE Assistant United States Attorney One Saint Andrew's Plaza New York, New York 10007 Tel. No. (212) 637-2225SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, place or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Manhattan, City, County and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of 71" Street distant 225 feet easterly from the comer formed by the intersection of the easterly side of 5" Avenue with the northerly side of 71" Street; running thence Easterly along the northerly side of 71" Street 50 feet; thence Northerly and parallel with 5° Avenue 102 feet 2 inches to the center line of the block between 71" and 72" Streets; thence Westerly along the said center line and parallel with 71* Street 50 feet; thence Southerly and parallel with 5* Avenue 102 feet 2 inches to the northerly side of 71" Street at. the paint or place of beginning.New York Count tle pay 792379 ney «72019 3: 478 . Cashier TLTRALHER Register * © $35.06 oo eee ee ency COG} 7 gf FILING HOTICE OF SEHDENCY #32 FOR SDNY SEALED THDICTMENT $35. Q6 Pend $35.88Order #5853 2019-07-11 ASSET Address..: 9 East 7ist Street New York, NY 10021 coae.....: CORD APN...... : BLOCK: 1386 LOT: 10 District.: NYS Owner....: MAPLE INC. Type.....: SFR/SFD (1-4) Status...: Off Market Occupancy: Unknown Value....: $0.00 Date of Act Giving Rise to Forfeiture..: Preliminary Order of Forfeiture Date...: Final Order of Forfeiture Date.........: REQUESTER ma(b) (6). (b) (7)(C) ab) (6), (b) (7)(C) District.: NYS Date..... : 2019-07-11 ORDER PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Ordered....: 2019-07-11 Number.....: 3 Completed..: Total......: $1,092.00 Sent.......: see next page for details Signature: Shavuy SimProducts and Services: Page 1 DG SON MAE eR Ted eR ena RRR RRR TRCE CHER RTE R CECE CRORE CE ECR TECE ECR E RTE ET ES ESE ORS n nnn nn anne nnn nena ron enae a aaa $451.00 Prea€eSeizure Analysis a) oh 0 OM en Neat R-Nat oie i ei S-8- 0-0-0 <)-0-iet oi -i-a- iat Eee eee alee eee enna ee ee .++ $216.00 Residential Desktop Brokers Price Opinion EU Go oOoUOODUUOOUU DUBDOUOG UDO OOUDOD UO UDO OD OOD ood dD UO DOU UUGUUUCOUOODDOUUG $425.00 Preliminary Title Commitment - NTE Standard Fonn 1034 ——_ a PUBLIC VOUCHER FOR PURCHASES AND 1 TFM 4-2000 SERVICES OTHER THAN PERSONAL U.S. DEPARTMENT, BUREAU, OR ESTABLISHMENT AND LOCATION DATE VOUCHER PREPARED SCHEDULE NO. United States Department of Justice 07/10/2019 United States Marshals Service CONTRACT NUMBER AND DATE OYGWOYD NOG 500 Pearl Street, Suite 400 oon New York, NY 10007 REQUISITION NUMBER AND DATE [New York County Clerk | OMe 60 Centre Street DATE INVOKE REGEIWED AND Room 109B 07/10/2019 ADDRESS New York, NY 10007 DISCOUNT TERMS | _| PAYEE'S ACCOUNT NUMBER SHIPPED FROM TO WEIGHT GOVERNMENT 8/. NUMBER DATE OF ARTICLES OR SERVICES NUM AND DATE DELIVERY | (Enter description, item number of contract or Federal supply schedute, | CUAN- UNIT PRICE AMOUNT OR OR SERVICE and other information deemed necessary) oe COST PER (1) Notice of Pendency Filing Fee 1 35 35.00 USA vs. Jeffrey Epstein 9 East 71st Street, New York, NY 10021 19 CR. 490 (se coninumion cheel{e) # recente) (Payee must NOT use the space below) TOTAL 35.00 PAYMENT ] PROVISIONAL APPROVED FOR 5 EXCHANGE RATE DIFFERENCES 7 =$1.00 (_] comptete BY2 (J rartaL O ee AMOUNT varied, correct for payment L] Progress TITLE (Signature or initials) [] aovance Pursuant to authority vagie pice ots a epayiment. 07/10/2019 ) dministrative Officer (Date) A 1 vice! (Title) CLASSIFICATION $35.00 if CHECK NUMBER ON ACCOUNT OF U.S, TREASURY CHECK NUMBER ON (Name of bank) \ ® CASH DATE PAYEE 3 Y |$ 1. When slated in foreign currency, insert name of currency. PER 2. If the ability to certify and authority to approve are Combined in one parson, one signature only is Necessary; otherwise the approving officer will sign in the space provided. over his official tilfe. 3. When a voucher is receipted in the name of 2 company or corporation, the name of the person writing the company or corporaie TITLE name, as well as the capacity in which he signs, must appear. For example: “John Doe Company, per John Smith, Secrelery”, or “Treasurer”, as the case may be. Previous edition usable NSN 7540-00-900-2234 PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT The information requested on this form is required under the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 82b and 82c, for the purpose of disbursing Federal money. The intormation requested i$ to idenlify the particular creditor and the amourits to be paid. Failure to furnish this information will hinder discharge of the payment obligation U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Instructions Requisition for Procurement of Supplies, Service, and Equipment 1, REQUISITION NO.: PMS/USMS 2. REQUESTED BY (Name/Title/Organization): TEL NO.: 3. DATE: 7/10/2019 4. ORGANIZATIONAL BUDGET OFFICER: I do hereby certify that funds |6. SOURCES OF FUNDING: 6a. PROGRAM APPROVALS: (Altach before are available and authorize an increase of funds but not to exceed $100.00. (O Appropiiated sending lo applicable Contracting Office for processing) . . Financial Services Division: Stacy Rider Administrative Officer O Budgel Execution Team (Any Requisition $100K and over) F Chief (E Act, Set-Asides, Bureau —_ CO Other; Proc. Chief aa required by FAR/JAR) information Technology Division: “| 1D | U FT (A hardware, eg eee noe [7] Reimbursement Auth. No.: Coup. & alates tn Pose. Telephone 5 Division: A A yeni Head U.S. Marshal or Designee: Molor Vehicles (Leases and Repairs) AFF Case No. Publishing Services (Copies and Printing} Cae A - G } 6) ¢ ) Doe SdUM ([) District Funds O ESU Equipment ; (LJ Non-Appropriated O 5 C i Equip. (Radios, R tc) } | 12} 9 U Economy Act, J&As, HCA as required by FAR/JAR SIGNATURE —__/ ae O Non-Standard Ammo.; Weapons: Service, Backup, Tactical & Defensive; Airctaf Le: Purchase, 5, DELIVER To NewReqeremests Over siaon. or 356, Hf -, U.S. Marshals Service-SDNY [7] vem. thaw cca. 500 Pearl Street, Suite 400 C1] omer: New York, NY 10007 (Lj USMS Warehouse 2604 Jefferson Davis Highway, Alexandria, VA 22301 O Requisilion forwarded to warehouse on (date): ITEM DESCRIPTION () Include Accounting Classification Structure (ACS) |OBJECT|UNIT OF Ls an NO. with each line item. Atlach SOWs, Justifications & | CLASS | ISSUE sagel WY a aaa a Other Documentation. (c) (d) 9 Include make, mode! or salient characteristics. Nolice of Pendency | 9 East 71st Street, New York, NY 10021 ee EA 1 $35.00 $35.00 Filing Fee Lis Pendence Filing Fee New York County Clerk | USA vs. Jeffrey Epstein 8. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION STRUCTURE: 93, DC NUMBER: 10. ESTIMATED COST: Fiscal Year Fund Code Organization Code 2019 TOTAL: $35.00 (For acquisitions of property, $25,000 or more per item) VEND N APPROVED BY THE OFFICE OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: Suggested Source: New York County Clerk's Office Contact: Phone: Date Ordered: Date Received: SIGNATURE DATE Order No.: Page 1 of 1 PRIOR EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Form USM-157 This requisition is not to be used for printing, duplicating, composition graphics or visual production requirements. Use Form USM-218. Rev. 12/12RP STO | Blank Form Page 1 of 2 Real Property Sub-Task Order (USM-378) - New/Blank Form [My Submissions] [Instructions] [Bi Close | £3 Print Preview U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Real Property Contract Sub-Task Order USM-378 / Rev, 02/2019 INSTRUCTIONS: District Offices should use this form to procure Pre-Seizure products, Custody & Ongoing Maintenance and/or Disposition of real property assets. Submit completed form to AFD Real Property Unit ( PART |: USMS CONTACT INFORMATION Requester: External Email Address ( Phone: District: Weyte(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) NY/S (D54) if your contact information needs to be updated, select the following link: District Contacts | HQ Contacts or send an email to RP. Task. PART Il: SUBJECT PROPERTY INFORMATION Is CATS ID avalilable?: a CATS Asset ID: Court Case Number: No Has an Indictment/Complaint been filed? Relation Back Doctrine Date: (= Date of Act Giving Rise to Forfeiture) Yes 01/01/2002 FE District Where Property is. Located: Street Address: APT/Unit No.: City: NYS 9 East 71st Street New York County: State: ZIP: Country: New York NY iv} 10021 United States of America APN: GPS Coordinates: BLOCK: 1386 LOT: 10 Owner's Name: Target/Defendant's Name: MAPLE INC. JEFFREY EPSTEIN Occupancy Status: Property Ciassification: Unknown | [¥] Single Family (1-4 units) Has any Pre-Seizure Package been ordered for this asset prior to today? No (Note: if Pre-Seizure Package has not been ordered for this asset before, the "Product/Service(s) Requested" field will default to “Pre-Seizure Package”} Product/Service(s) Requested: _ Pre-Seizure Package [Preliminary Title Commitment, Valuation, and Analysis (Net Equity Worksheet+)] [v] Comments: USA v. JEFFREY EPSTEIN Covert Desktop BPO/Appraisal PART Ill: PROPERTY INFORMATION CHECKLIST Note: The file size limit for all attachments per one form is 5MB. If you need to add more than one attachment per slot or need to attach a file size that is bigger than 5MB, please contact RP. Task.Orders@usdoj gov A list of required documents will display based on the Product/Service(s) Requested. There is no required document for Pre-Seizure Package. oe ee teeRP STO} Blank Form Page 2 of 2 PART IV: AFD REAL PROPERTY UNIT INITIAL REVIEW (AFD Use Only} Assign to COR: Select... (B Close | <3 print PreviewUNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK emma ee x UNITED STATES OF AMERICA _ Vv. _ NOTICE OF PENDENCY JEFFREY EPSTEIN, 19 Cr. 490 (RMB) Defendant. -- ero tr rer rer rrr rrr rrr X= NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced in this Court upon the indictment of the above-named defendant and against the named property for forfeiture thereto, which premises are known generally as follows: NEW YORK COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 Bast 7lst Street, New York, New York 10021, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, designated on the Tax Map of the City of New York for said Borough, as Block Number 1386, Lot Number 10, which is more particularly described in Schedule A attached hereto.Please index this notice of pendency against the above- described property and also against the name of Maple, Inc. Dated: New York, New York July 8, 2019 By: GEOFFREY S. BERMAN United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York United States of America ALISON G. MOE . Assistant United States Attorney | One Saint Andrew's Plaza New York, New York 10007 Tel. No. (212) 637-2225SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, place or parcel of land, with the buildiags and improvements thereon etected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Manhattan, City, County and State of New York, bounded _ and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of 71" Street distant 225 feet easterly from the comet formed by the intersection of the easterly ee ees runaing ehcace Pasty slag te mostly sie of 71" Strest 50 feet; thence Northerly and penile with 5* Avenne 102 Tet 2 inches to'the center lise of the block between 71" and 72" Streets; thence Westerly slong the said center line and parallel with 71° Street 50 feet; ”~ thence Southerly and parallel with 5* Avemac 102 feet 2 inches to the northetly aide of 71" Street at the paint or place of beginning.UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK SEALED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ; INDICTMENT —_ -v.- , 19 cr. | JEFFREY EPSTEIN, 1 9 CRIM 4 O 0 Defendant. ~e- eee ee ee eee x COUNT ONE (Sex Trafficking Conspiracy} The Grand Jury charges: OVERVIEW ia As set forth herein, over the course of many years, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, sexually exploited and - abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida, among other locations. 2. ‘In particular, from at least in or about 2002, up to and including at least in or about 2005, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, enticed and recruited, and caused to be enticed and recruited, minor girls to visit, his mansion in Manhattan, New York (the “New York Residence”) and his estate in Palm Beach, Florida (the “Palm Beach Residence”) to engage in sex acts with him, after which he would give the victims hundreds of dollars in cash. Moreover, and in order to maintain and increase his supply of victims, EPSTEIN also paid certain of his victims to recruit additional girls to be similarly abused by EPSTEIN. In this way, EPSTEIN created a vast network of underage victims for him to sexually exploit in. locations including New York and Palm Beach. 3. The victims described herein were as young as 14 years old at the time they were abused by JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, and were, for various reasons, often particularly vulnerable to exploitation. EPSTEIN intentionally sought out minors and knew that many of his victims were in fact under the “age of 18, including because, in some instances, minor victims expressly told him their age. 4. In creating and maintaining this network of minor victims in multiple states to sexually abuse and espicie JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, worted and conspired with others, including employees and associates who facilitated his conduct by, among other things, contacting victims and scheduling their sexual encounters with EPSTEIN at the New York Residence and at the Palm Beach Residence. FACTUAL BACKGROUND 5. During all time periods charged in this Indictment, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, was a financier with multiple residences in the continental United States, including the New York Residence and the Palm Beach Residence. 6. Beginning in at least 2002, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, enticed and recruited, and caused to be enticed and recruited, dozens of minor girls to engage in sex acts with him, after which EPSTEIN paid the victims hundreds of dollars in cash, at the New York Residence and the Palm Beach Residence. 7. In both New York and FPlorida, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, perpetuated this abuse in similar ways. Victims were initially recruited to provide “massages” to EPSTEIN, which would be performed nude or partially nude, would become increasingly sexual in nature, and would typically include one or more sex acts. EPSTEIN paid his victims hundreds of dollars in cash for each encounter. Moreover, EPSTEIN actively encouraged certain of his victims to recruit additional girls to be similarly sexually abused. EPSTEIN incentivized his victims to become recruiters by paying these victim-recruiters hundreds of dollars for each girl that they brought to EPSTEIN. [In so doing, EPSTEIN maintained a steady supply of new victims to exploit. . The New York Residence 8. At all times relevant to this Indictment, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, possessed and controlled a multi-story private residence on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York, i.e., the New York Residence. Between at least in or about 2002 and in or about 2005, EPSTEIN abused numerous minor victims at the New York Residence by aoe these victims to be recruited to engage in paid sex acts with hin.9. When a victim arrived at the New York Residence, she typically would be escorted to a room with a massage table, where she would perform a massage on JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant. The victims, who were as young as 14 years of age, were told by EPSTEIN oer other individuals to partially or fully undress before beginning the “massage.” During the encounter, EPSTEIN one escalate the nature and scope of physical contact with his victim to include, among other things, sex acts such as groping and direct and indirect contact with the victim’s genitals. EPSTEIN typically would also masturbate during these sexualized encounters, ask victims to touch him while he masturbated, and touch victims’ genitals with his hands or with sex toys. 10. In connection with each sexual encounter, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, or one of his employees or associates, paid the victim in cash. Victims typically were paid hundreds of dollars in cash for each precentent ll. JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, knew that many of his New York victims were underage, including because certain victims told him their age. Further, once these minor victims were recruited, many were abused by EPSTEIN on multiple subsequent occasions at the New York Residence. EPSTEIN sometimes personally contacted victims to schedule appointments. at the New York Residence. In other instances, EPSTEIN directed employees and associates, including a New York-based employee (“Employee-1”), to communicate with victims via phone to arrange for these victims to return to the New York Residence for additional sexual encounters with EPSTEIN. 12. Additionally, and to further facilitate his ability to abuse minor girls in New York, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, asked and enticed certain of his victims to recruit additional girls to perform “massages” and similarly engage in ‘sex acts with EPSTEIN. When a victim would recruit another girl for EPSTEIN, he paid both the victim-recruiter and the new victim hundreds of dollars in cash. Through these victim- recruiters, EPSTEIN gained access to and was able to abuse dozens of additional minor girls. 13. In particular, certain recruiters brought dozens of additional minor girls to the New York Residence to give massages to and engage in sex acts with JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant. EPSTEIN encouraged victims to recruit additional girls by offering to pay these victim-recruiters for every additional girl they brought to EPSTEIN. When a victim- recruiter accompanied a new minor victim to the New York Residence, both the victim-recruiter and the new minor victim were paid hundreds of dollars by EPSTEIN for each encounter. In addition, certain victim-recruiters routinely scheduled these encounters through Employee-1, who sometimes asked the recruiters to bring a specific minor girl for EPSTEIN. The Palm Beach Residence | 14, In addition to recruiting and abusing minor giris in New York, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, created a similar network of minor girls to victimize in Palm Beach, Florida, where EPSTEIN owned, possessed and controlled another large residence, i.e., the Palm Beach Residence. EPSTEIN frequently traveled from New York to Palm Beach by private jet, before which an employee or associate would ensure that minor victims were available for encounters upon his arrival in Florida. 15. At the Palm Beach Residence, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, engaged in a similar course of abusive conduct. When a victim initially arrived at the Palm Beach Residence, she would be escorted to a room, sometimes by an employee of EPSTEIN’s, including, at times, two assistants (“Employee-2” and ‘“Employee~3”) who, as described herein, were also responsible for scheduling sexual encounters with minor victims. Once inside, the victim would provide a nude or semi-nude massage for EPSTEIN, who would himself typically be naked. During these encounters, EPSTEIN would escalate the nature and scope of the physical contact to include sex acts such as groping and direct and indirect contact with the victim’s genitals. EPSTEIN would also typically masturbate during these encounters, ask victimsto touch him while he masturbated, and touch victims’ genitals with his hands or with sex toys. 16. In connection with each sexual encounter, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, or one of his employees or associates, paid the victim in cash, Victims typically were paid hundreds of dollars for each encounter. 17. JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, knew that certain of his victims were underage, including because certain victims told him their age. In addition, as with New York-based victims, many Florida victims, once recruited, were abused by JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, on multiple additional occasions. 18. UBFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, who during the relevant time period was frequently in New York, would arrange for Employee-2 or other employees to contact victims by phone in advance of EPSTEIN’s travel to Florida to ensure appointments were scheduled for when he arrived. In particular, in certain instances, Employee-2 placed phone calls to minor victims in Florida to schedule encounters at the Palm Beach Residence. At the time of certain of those phone calls, EPSTEIN and Employee-2 were in New York, New York. Additionally, certain of the individuals victimized at the Palm Beach Residence were contacted by phone by Employee-3 to schedule these encounters. a res re se19, Moreover, as in New York, to ensure a steady stream of minor victims, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, asked and enticed certain victims in Florida to recruit other girls to engage in sex acts. EPSTEIN paid hundreds of dollars to victim- recruiters for each additional girl they brought to the Palm Beach Residence. | STATUTORY ALLEGATIONS 20. From at least in or about 2002, up to and | including in or about 2005, in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, and others known and unknown, willfully and knowingly did combine, conspire, confederate, and agree ‘together and with each other to commit an offense against the United States, to wit, sex trafficking of minors, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section, 1591{a}) and (b) 21. It was a part and object of the conspiracy that JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, and others known and unknown, would and did, in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce, recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, and obtain, by any means a person, and to benefit, financially and by receiving anything of value, from participation in a venture which has engaged in any such act, knowing that the person had not attained the age of 18 years and would be caused to engage in a a commercial sex act, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1591{a) and (b) (2). Overt Acts 22. In furtherance of the conspiracy and to effect the illegal object thereof, the following overt acts, among others, were committed in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere: a. In or about 2004, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, enticed and recruited multiple minor victims, including minor victims identified herein as Minor Victim-1, Minor Victim-2, and Minor Victim-3, to engage in sex acts with EPSTEIN at his residences in Manhattan, New York, and Paim Beach, Florida, after which he provided them with hundreds of dollars in cash for each encounter. ‘ b. In or about 2002, Minor Victim-1 was recruited to engage in sex acts with EPSTEIN and was repeatedly sexually abused by EPSTEIN at the New York Residence over a period of years and was paid hundreds of dollars for each encounter. EPSTEIN also encouraged and enticed Minor Victim-1 to recruit other girls to engage in paid sex acts, which she did. EPSTEIN asked Minor Victim-1 how old she was, and Minor Victim-1 answered truthfully. " ¢, In or about 2004, Employee-1, located in the Southern District of New York, and on behalf of EPSTEIN, placed a telephone call to Minor Victim-1,in order to schedule an appointment for Minor Victim-1 to engage in paid sex acts with EPSTEIN. d. In or about 2004, Minor Victim-2 was recruited to engage in sex acts with EPSTEIN and was repeatedly sexually abused by EPSTEIN at the Palm Beach Residence over a period of years and was paid hundreds of dollars after each encounter. EPSTEIN also encouraged and enticed Minor Victin~2 to recruit other girls to engage in paid sex acts, which she ~ did. e. In or about 2005, Employee-2, located in the Southern District of New York, and on behalf of EPSTEIN, placed a telephone call to Minor Victim-2 in order to schedule an appointment for Minor Victim-2 to engage in paid sex acts with EPSTEIN. f. In or about 2005, Minor Victim-3 was recruited to engage in sex acts with EPSTEIN and was repeatedly sexually abused by EPSTEIN at the Palm Beach Residence over a period of years and was paid hundreds of dollars for each encounter. EPSTEIN also encouraged and enticed Minor Victim-3 to recruit other girls to engage in paid sex acts, which she did. EPSTEIN asked Minor Victim-3 how old she was, and Minor Victim-3 answered truthfully. 10 g. In or about 2005, Employee-2, located in the Southern District of New York, and on behalf of EPSTEIN, placed a telephone call to Minor Victim-3 in Florida in order to schedule an appointment for Minor Victim-3 to engage in paid sex acts with EPSTEIN. _ h. In or about 2004, Employee-3 placed a telephone call to Minor Victim-3 in order to schedule an appointment for Minor Victim-3 to engage in paid sex acts with ~ EPSTEIN. (Title 18, United States Code, Section 371.) COUNT TWO (Sex Trafficking) The Grand Jury further charges: 23. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 19 and 22 of this Indictment are repeated and realleged as if fully set forth within. 24. From at least in or about 2002, up to. and including in or about 2005, in the Southern District of New York, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, willfully and knowingly, in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce, did recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, and obtain by any means a person, knowing that the person had not attained the age of 18 years and would be caused to engage in a commercial sex act, and did aid and abet the same, to wit, EPSTEIN recruited, enticed, harbored, transported, provided, and obtained numerous 11 individuals-who were less than 18 years old, including but not limited to Minor Victim-1, as described above, and who were then caused to engage in at least one commercial sex act in Manhattan, New York. (Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1591(a), (b) (2), and 2.) FORFEITURE ALLEGATIONS 25. As a result of committing the offense alleged in Count Two of this Indictment, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, shall forfeit to the United States, pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 1594(c)(1), any property, real and personal, that was used or intended to be used to commit or to facilitate the commission of the offense alleged in Count Two, and any property, real or personal, constituting or derived from Snuiprocesds obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result of the offense alleged in Count Two, or any property traceable to such property, and the following specific property: a. The lot or parcei of land, together with its buildings, appurtenances, improvements, fixtures, attachments and easements, located at 9 East 71st Street, New York, New York, with block number 1386 and lot number 10, owned by Maple, Inc. 12Substitute Asset Provision 26. If any of the above-described forfeitable property, as a result of any act or omission of the defendant: (a) cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence; (ob) has been transferred or sold to, or deposited with, a third person; (c) has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the Court; (da), has been substantially diminished in value; or (e) has been commingled with other property which cannot be subdivided without difficulty; it is the intent of the United States, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 853(p) and 28 U.S.C. § 2461(c), to seek forfeiture of any other property of the defendant up to the value of the above forfeitable property. (Title 18, United States Code, Section 1594; Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p); and Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461.) PERSON _ GEOFFREY $. BERMAN United States Attorney 13Form No. USA-33s-274 (Ed. 9-25-58) UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Vv. JEFFREY EPSTEIN, Defendant. “INDICTMENT (18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1591(a), (b) (2), and 2) GEOFFREY S. BERMAN United States Attorney LGA- Foreperson 14United States Marshals Service LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Subject Report for EPSTEIN,JEFFREY EDWARD (FID 10127184) Name : EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD FID# : 10127184 USMS#: 76318054 Case Status : Active Subject is NOT in NCIC for USMS Prisoner Status: Historical Alias List Seq. # Alias 1 EPSTEIN, JEFFREY E DOB List Seq. # Date of Birth Place of Birth NCIC Valid? 1 01/20/1953 NY - New York Yes Social Security Number List curity Number Seq.# Social Se 2 FBI Number/UCN List Seq. # FBI Number/UCN 1 787075K6 Subject Description List Seq. # Eyes Hair Height Weight Skin Race Sex NCIC Valid? 1 BLU BRO 6'00" 185 W M Yes Picture/Image List Seq. # District Remark 3 054 4 054 1 Ww00 7-25-2013 2 Ww00 4-27-2018 USMS Number List (from PTS/PPMS) Seq. # | USMS Number 1 763 18-054 Miscellaneous Number List Seq. # Miscellaneous Number _ Issue Date Exp. Date Remark 1 OA-FL06587245 2 PP-566672615 03/08/2019 03/07/2029 US PASSPORT # 3 PP-516923892 4 PP-469911707 US PASSPORT 5 OA-NY4614879Q NY SID # Occupation List Seq. # Occupation Begin End 1 BANKER 2 SOUTHERN TRUST COMPANY 3 SELF EMPLOYED Subject Address List Seq. # Address Start Date End Date 1 9 EAST 71ST, NEW YORK, NY 10021 United States 2 6100 RED HOOK QUARTER, B3 ST THOMAS, VI 00802 3 9E71 ST, NEW YORK, NY 10021 Subject Phone Number List Seq. # Type Country Code Phone Number Extension Remark From To 08/27/2019 11:37 AM EDTUnited States Marshals Service LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Subject Report for EPSTEIN,JEFFREY EDWARD (FID 10127184) 1 (212) 533-3739 Associate(s) of this Subject FID# Associate Name Type 10925031 EPSTEIN,MARK BROTHER State/Local ORI: Unknown License Plate Information Seq. # Plate Type State Year 1 Operator License List Seq. # Operator License State Year 1 0000025874 VI 2024 Profile Information Money Launderer No DEA - GDEP "Kingpin" No DEA Violator (Historical) Triggerlock Case No International Lookout Placed No Violent Offender No Criminal History Offense Arrests Convictions Offense Immigration 0 0 Homicide Kidnapping 0 0 Rape/Sex Assault Assault/Battery 0 0 Robbery Burglary/Larceny 0 0 Narcotics Weapons (Firearms) 0 0 Extortion Weapons (Other) 0 0 Forgery/Fraud 0 0 Failure to Register (Sex Offense) 0 0 Failure to Comply (Sex Offense) Sex Offenses Atrest No Conviction No Registered No Registration Violation No Profile Remarks: LIFETIME SO REGISTRANT IN NY AND FLORIDA Usm11s exist for this fugitive. Caution and Medical Conditions Seq. # Code Description 1 MTL Mental Concerns Other Documents Upload Date Filename Description 09/26/2016 Epstein, Jeffrey.pdf Intl. Travel form 04/04/2017 Jeffrey Epstein.xml J Epstein Travel Document 07/03/2019 Epstein, Jeffrey.pdf Intl. Travel form 01/29/2019 EPSTEIN FDLE SO — EPSTEIN FDLE SO Registration Documents part 1 Registration Documents part 1 of 2.pdf 03/29/2017 Jeffrey Epstein.xml J Epstein Travel Document 03/27/2017 Jeffrey Epstein.xml J Epstein Travel Document 07/25/2016 Epstein, Jeffrey.pdf Intl. Travel form Arrests oocoro of 2 Convictions oocoro 08/27/2019 11:37 AM EDTUnited States Marshals Service LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Subject Report for EPSTEIN,JEFFREY EDWARD (FID 10127184) 01/08/2019 US Virgin Islands SOR US Virgin Islands SOR EPSTEIN International Travel EPSTEIN International Travel.pdf 01/29/2019 EPSTEIN Information EPSTEIN Information and Conviction Information and Conviction Information.pdf 02/28/2019 Jeffrey Epstein.pdf J Epstein Travel Document 01/29/2019 EPSTEIN FDLESO — EPSTEIN FDLE SO Registration Documents part 2 of 2 Registration Documents part 2 of 2.pdf 01/08/2019 CBP Person Encounter CBP Person Encounter List 2016-10-1 to 2019-1-4 List 2016-10-1 to 2019-1-4.pdf 03/02/2018 Jeffrey Epstein.xml J Epstein Travel Document 05/25/2018 Jeffrey Epstein.xml J Epstein Travel Document Associations Associate: EPSTEIN,MARK Reliability: Unknown Validity: Unknown Associate FID: 10925031 Relationship: BROTHER Remarks: State/Local ORI: Unknown Case Number: n/a Address: US Social Details Seq. # Sexual Preference Marital Status 1 Single Case List Request Case List Case Number: 1600-0725-7296-R Sealed Warrant?: No Case Status: Closed Originating District: SOO - HQTS - NSOTC Close Information Date Closed: Date Executed: Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U 07/25/2016 07/25/2016 1600-0926-8873-R No Closed S00 - HOTS - NSOTC Case Number: Sealed Warrant?: Case Status: Originating District: Close Information Date Closed: 09/26/2016 Date Executed: 09/23/2016 08/27/2019 11:37 AM EDTUnited States Marshals Service LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Subject Report for EPSTEIN,JEFFREY EDWARD (FID 10127184) Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U Case Number: 1700-0327-5165-R Sealed Warrant?: No Case Status: Closed Originating District: SOO - HQTS - NSOTC Close Information Date Closed: 03/27/2017 Date Executed: 03/27/2017 Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U Case Number: 1700-0329-5243-R Sealed Warrant?: No Case Status: Closed Originating District: SOO - HQTS - NSOTC Close Information Date Closed: 03/29/2017 Date Executed: 03/29/2017 Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U Case Number: 1700-0404-5418-R Sealed Warrant?: No Case Status: Closed Originating District: SOO - HQTS - NSOTC Close Information Date Closed: 04/04/2017 Date Executed: 04/04/2017 Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U Case Number: 1800-0302-4407-R Sealed Warrant?: No Case Status: Closed Originating District: SOO - HQTS - NSOTC Close Information Date Closed: 03/02/2018 Date Executed: 03/02/2018 08/27/2019 11:37 AM EDTUnited States Marshals Service LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Subject Report for EPSTEIN,JEFFREY EDWARD (FID 10127184) Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U Case Number: 1800-0525-7516-R Sealed Warrant?: No Case Status: Closed Originating District: SOO - HQTS - NSOTC Close Information Date Closed: 05/25/2018 Date Executed: 05/24/2018 Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U Case Number: 1900-0228-4145-R Sealed Warrant?: No Case Status: Closed Originating District: SOO - HQTS - NSOTC Close Information Date Closed: 02/28/2019 Date Executed: 02/28/2019 Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U Case Number: 1900-0620-7922-R Sealed Warrant?: No Case Status: Closed Originating District: SOO - HQTS - NSOTC Close Information Date Closed: 06/20/2019 Date Executed: 06/19/2019 Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U Case Number: 1900-0703-8325-R Sealed Warrant?: No Case Status: Closed Originating District: SOO - HQTS - NSOTC Close Information Date Closed: 07/03/2019 Date Executed: 07/03/2019 08/27/2019 11:37 AM EDTUnited States Marshals Service LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Subject Report for EPSTEIN,JEFFREY EDWARD (FID 10127184) Execution Code: Request Satisfied by USMS Arrested in District: SOO To Be Prosecuted: U Criminal Case List Case Number: 1900-0108-2923-G Case Status: Active Lead Deputy: Originating District: Case Information Agency: USMS Investigative Type: MSO4IML Case Initiated: 01/08/2019 OCDE: No Contact/Phone: (347) 865-3918 Case Number: 1900-0613-7745-G Case Status: Active Lead Deputy: vino Originating District: Case Information Agency: USMS Investigative Type: MSO4IML Case Initiated: 06/13/2019 OCDE: No 08/27/2019 11:37 AM EDTU.S. Department of Justice (b) (6), (b) (7)(C), (b) (7)(F) United States Marshals Service REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 1 of 1 1. FID: 10127184 2. DATE OF REPORT: 08/19/2019 3. REPORTED CASE: CC-1900-0613-7745-G BY: AT: W00 4. SUBJECT NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD 5. MERGED FIDs: 6. TYPE OF REPORT: [ ] REPORT OF ELECTRONIC INTERCEPTION [ ] ARREST/CLOSE [ ] COLLATERAL LEAD [ ] INTELLIGENCE UPDATE [ ] WITNESS INTER VIEW [x] MEMORANDUM TO FILE (USM11 1359934) [ ] ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENA [ ] DUE DILIGENCE [ ] CS REQUEST [ ] OTHER 7. HOURS WORKED: On August 10, 2019 EPSTEIN committed suicide while in custody in New York. On August 12, 2019 Senior Inspector (SI) | | spoke with the US Virgin Islands AUSA's office in regards to this case. Based upon the above information all parties agreed this case would be dropped. As such the search warrant for EPSTEINs phone was cancelled, the MLAT requests for all countries were cancelled, and all investigative activities were cancelled. This case is now closed. (b) (6), (b) (7)(C), (b) (VF) 8. SIGNATURE (Name and Title) 9. DATE 12. DISTRIBUTION 08/19/2019 2:07 PM EDT __ DISTRICT __ HEADQUARTERS __OTHER eam _ ator 10. APPROVED (Name and Title) 11. DATE 08/21/2019 9:42 AM EDT 7 = SET UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENT MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. 08/27/2019 11:43 AM EDT(b) (6), (b) (7)(C), (b) (7)(F) U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 1 of 2 1. FID: 10127184 2. DATE OF REPORT: 07/10/2019 3. REPORTED CASE: CC-1900-0613-7745-G BY: AT: W00 4. SUBJECT NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD 5. MERGED FIDs: 6. TYPE OF REPORT: [ ] REPORT OF ELECTRONIC INTERCEPTION [ ] ARREST/CLOSE [ ] COLLATERAL LEAD [ ] INTELLIGENCE UPDATE [x] WITNESS INTERVIEW (USM11 1342335) [ ] MEMORANDUM TO FILE [ ] ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENA [ ] DUE DILIGENCE [ ] CS REQUEST [ ] OTHER 7. HOURS WORKED: On July 10, 2019 at approximately 6:15 pm Senior Inspector (SI) 7 contacted ie by phone. SI introduced himself as a Deputy United States Marshal and explained he received her phone number from a Miami Herald reporter. SI explained Ms. told him she would be expecting his call. stated she did not recognize the phone number but suspected thats what that call was for. SI explained why he was calling and asked J if she had a few moments. She stated yes. SI asked her to start from the beginning with what she had said to Ms. regarding Jeffrey EPSTEIN. stated that she is an Air Traffic Controller and that Jeffrey EPSTEIN parks his plane at the base of the control tower at the airport when he arrives. = stated she has seen EPSTEIN get off the plane with young girls. [J recalled two specific times with the first being two girls who appeared to be eleven (11) to twelve (12) years old with white skin. stated another time a girl looked to be sixteen (16) maybe seventeen (17) or eighteen (18) and appeared to be of mixed race. stated the dates of these occurrences were between June/ July of 2018 through November of 2018. [J stated she started working at STT in April of 2018 and was fully qualified after May so it was after that. She only worked on STT for about one (1) year. SI asked how far away was EPSTEIN from the control tower when they observed him. [J stated maybe fifty (50) yards but they were using binoculars to look. SI asked if they get the flight plans? [stated that they typically get the out bound but not the inbound flight plans. SI BJ asked what information is in the flight plans? [J stated ATC information and route. 8. SIGNATURE (Name and Title) 9. DATE 12. DISTRIBUTION 07/10/2019 6:42 PM EDT __ DISTRICT __ HEADQUARTERS __OTHER eam _ ator 10. APPROVED (Name and Title) 11. DATE 07/11/2019 10:35 AM EDT 7 = SET UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENT MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. 08/27/2019 11:42 AM EDT (b) (6), (b) (7)(C), (b) ()(F) U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 2 of 2 1. FID: 10127184 CASE: CC-1900-0613-7745-G 2. DATE OF REPORT: 07/10/2019 4. SUBJECT NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD 5. MERGED FIDs: 3. REPORTED BY: AT: W00 SIM asked if it shows who is on the flight and where they are from? [stated no. SI asked if there was anyone else who would be willing to talk to him that worked with Jj. Jj stated there might be another person and that she would check and call SI [fback. SI thanked JJ for her time and concluded the phone call. UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENT MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. 08/27/2019 11:42 AM EDTU.S. Department of Justice (6) (6), (b) (7(C), (0) ME) United States Marshals Service REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 1 of 1 1. FID: 10127184 2. DATE OF REPORT: 06/13/2019 3. REPORTED CASE: CC-1900-0613-7745-G BY: AT: W00 4. SUBJECT NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD 5. MERGED FIDs: 6. TYPE OF REPORT: [ ] REPORT OF ELECTRONIC INTERCEPTION [ ] ARREST/CLOSE [ ] COLLATERAL LEAD [ ] INTELLIGENCE UPDATE [ ] WITNESS INTERVIEW [ ] MEMORANDUM TO FILE [ ] ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENA [ ] DUE DILIGENCE [ ] CS REQUEST [x] OTHER: (APPROVAL FOR INVESTIGATION) 7. HOURS WORKED: On June 30, 2008 Jeffrey Epstein (DOB: 01/20/1953) was convicted of F.S 796.03 in the state of Florida for procuring a person under the age of 18 for prostitution and sentenced to 13 months incarceration. As a result of this conviction EPSTEIN must register as a sex offender. On March 15, 2019 EPSTEIN went to the US Virgin Island Department of Justice located on the island of St. Thomas and spoke in person to the Sex Offender Registry Coordinator. During this meeting EPSTEIN signed the Notification of Duty to Report travel. On 3/19/2019 the USMS received notification from the US Virgin Islands Sex Offender Registry that EPSTEIN was traveling to France from 3/19/2019 through 03/29/2019 via his private jet (N212JE). No other countries are listed on the notification form. According to a public website that tracks flight activity EPSTEIN traveled on March 22, 2019 to Vienna, Austria and on March 27, 2019 to Monaco. These countries are not listed on the notification form. Based on the above information, an MS04 investigation has been initiated to determine if EPSTEIN is in violation of 18 USC 2250 (b) regarding his failure to report international travel. 8. SIGNATURE (Name and Title) 9. DATE 12. DISTRIBUTION 06/13/2019 2:01 PM EDT __ DISTRICT __ HEADQUARTERS __OTHER ; — nvestigator 10. APPROVED (Name and Title) 11. DATE 06/13/2019 3:46 PM EDT 7 = SET UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENT MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. 08/27/2019 11:41 AM EDTU.S. Department of Justice (b) (6), (b) (7)(C), (b) (7)(F) United States Marshals Service REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 1 of 1 1. FID: 10127184 2. DATE OF REPORT: 08/05/2019 3. REPORTED CASE: CC-1900-0613-7745-G BY: AT: W00 4. SUBJECT NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD 5. MERGED FIDs: 6. TYPE OF REPORT: [ ] REPORT OF ELECTRONIC INTERCEPTION [ ] ARREST/CLOSE [ ] COLLATERAL LEAD [ ] INTELLIGENCE UPDATE [ ] WITNESS INTERVIEW [x] MEMORANDUM TO FILE (USM11 1353667) [ ] ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENA [ ] DUE DILIGENCE [ ] CS REQUEST [ ] OTHER 7. HOURS WORKED: On July 14, 2019 Senior Inspector (ST) J an traveled to the US Virgin Islands (STT) to work on an operation involving International Megans Law (IML). While there SI] met with the AUSA's office to discuss this case. - On July 17, 2019 SI [spoke with the AUSA in regards to submitting an MLAT request to the countries of France, Monaco, Austria, and Morocco. AUSA stated he would submit the requests. - On or about July 19, 2019 SI and spoke with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in regards to obtaining flight logs and records for EPSTEINs private plane. CBP stated these could be obtained through the pilots themselves or maybe the FAA. - On July 22, 2019 SI submitted a search warrant to AUSA for EPSTEINs phone number that he listed he can be reached on during international travel. SI is hoping to gain historical information that may provide insight to countries EPSTEIN visited while on international travel. - On August 5, 2019 SI received information from the FAA in regards to flight plan histories. This information reveals numerous more Countries of international travel by EPSTEINs jet. It will be investigated further. The investigation continues.. 8. SIGNATURE (Name and Title) 9. DATE 12. DISTRIBUTION 08/05/2019 12:23 PM EDT __ DISTRICT __ HEADQUARTERS __OTHER eam _ ator 10. APPROVED (Name and Title) 11. DATE 08/06/2019 1:21 PM EDT 7 = SET UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENT MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. 08/27/2019 11:42 AM EDTU.S. Department of Justice (b) (6), (b) (7)(C), (b) (7)(F) United States Marshals Service REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 1 of 2 1. FID: 10127184 2. DATE OF REPORT: 06/24/2019 3. REPORTED CASE: CC-1900-0613-7745-G BY AT: W00 4. SUBJECT NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD 5. MERGED FIDs: 6. TYPE OF REPORT: [ ] REPORT OF ELECTRONIC INTERCEPTION [ ] ARREST/CLOSE [ ] COLLATERAL LEAD [ ] INTELLIGENCE UPDATE [x] WITNESS INTERVIEW (USM11 1335209) [ ] MEMORANDUM TO FILE [ ] ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENA [ ] DUE DILIGENCE [ ] CS REQUEST [ ] OTHER 7. HOURS WORKED: On June 24, 2019 at approximately 1100 hours Supervisory Inspector (SD) and Senior Inspector (SD) met with Investigative reporter | (Miami Herald) at the Moonlite Diner located in Hollywood, Florida. During the interview SI asked Ms. Tr if she knew of anyone who may have information in regards to EPSTEIN. Ms stated she has an informant who worked at the airport and the informant stated she has seen EPSTEIN walking with girls under the age of 18 within the last seven months. Her informant has witnessed the _ board a helicopter at his island (Little St. James) and 7 to the airport to board EPSTEIN's airplane. SI asked if the informant had any records of this. Ms. stated the informant may have text messages that she sent to her friends upon witnessing the events. This informant now lives in a. a Ms. J gave her phone number to SI Ms. — stated she also knows a female who was employed for one week at EPSTEIN's residence before being released by him. This informant's boyfriend is still employed by EPSTEIN and Ms. Jj will reach out to see if he will speak with SI Ms. J also stated is one of EPSTEIN's disgruntled attorneys who may have information, but requested SI [J not contact him yet. Ms. J stated I owned a modeling company and helped recruit girls for EPSTEIN. Ms. stated was the Police Chief during the original EPSTEIN investigation and may be able to provide more insight concerning their investigation with EPSTEIN. 8. SIGNATURE (Name and Title) 9. DATE 12. DISTRIBUTION 06/24/2019 1:05 PM EDT __ DISTRICT __ HEADQUARTERS __OTHER eam _ ator 10. APPROVED (Name and Title) 11. DATE 06/28/2019 11:15 AM EDT 7 = SET UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENT MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. 08/27/2019 11:41 AM EDT U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service (b) (6), (b) (©), (b) (DE) REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 2 of 2 1. FID: 10127184 CASE: CC-1900-0613-7745-G 2. DATE OF REPORT: 06/24/2019 4. SUBJECT NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD 5. MERGED FIDs: 3. REPORTED BY: AT: W00 The interview concluded at approximately noon and SI told Ms I he would be in touch. Case continues... UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENT MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. 08/27/2019 11:41 AM EDTU.S. Department of Justice (b) (6), (0) (VO), (0) ME) United States Marshals Service REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 1 of 1 1. FID: 10127184 2. DATE OF REPORT: 01/08/2019 3. REPORTED CASE: CC-1900-0108-2923-G BY AT: W00 4. SUBJECT NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD 5. MERGED FIDs: 6. TYPE OF REPORT: [ ] REPORT OF ELECTRONIC INTERCEPTION [ ] ARREST/CLOSE [ ] COLLATERAL LEAD [ ] INTELLIGENCE UPDATE [ ] WITNESS INTER VIEW [ ] MEMORANDUM TO FILE [ ] ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENA [ ] DUE DILIGENCE [ ] CS REQUEST [x] OTHER: (APPROVAL FOR INVESTIGATION) 7. HOURS WORKED: Jeffrey EPSTEIN was referred to the USMS IML Unit by the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York as a convicted Sex Offender from the state of Florida who travels frequently Internationally and may have not reported all his International travel as required by International Megan's Law. EPSTEIN was convicted in 2008 in the state of Florida of procuring a person under the age of 18 for prostitution, sentenced to 13 months incarceration and is required for life as a sex offender in the state of Florida. EPSTEIN is currently registered as a sex offender in the US Virgin Islands as his primary address and he has secondary addresses in Florida, NY, New Mexico, and Paris France. In NY state, EPSTEIN is classified as a Level 3 sex offender (highest-risk) with a lifetime registrant requirement. Investigation reveals EPSTEIN travels Internationally quite frequently using private planes and may have failed to report all his International travel. Based upon this information, a MS04 investigation has been initiated to determine if EPSTEIN is in Violation of Title 18 Section 2250(b) regarding his failure to report International travel. End of Report 8. SIGNATURE (Name and Title) 9. DATE 12. DISTRIBUTION 01/08/2019 10:56 AM EST __ DISTRICT __ HEADQUARTERS __OTHER —_ a 10. APPROVED (Name and Title) 11. DATE 01/08/2019 3:51 PM EST 7 = SET UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENT MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. 08/27/2019 11:41 AM EDTPrepared on: 08/27/2019 United States Marshals Service - LIMITED OFFICIAL USE USM-129 Individual Custody/Detention Report [Name: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD [USMS Number: 76318-054 FID: 10127184 | I. IDENTIFICATION DATA USMS NUMBER: 76318-0054 NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD ADDRESS: 9 EAST 71ST NEW YORK, NY PHONE: (212) 533-3739 10021 DOB: 01/20/1953 AGE: 66 POB: BROOKLYN, NY SEX: M HAIR: BRO EYE: BLU HEIGHT: 6'00" WEIGHT: 185 SSN: 090-41-/ FBI NBR/UCN: 787075K6 ALIEN NBR: OTHER NUMBER OTHER NUMBER TYPE ISSUE DATE EXP DATE REMARK 516923892 Passport Number 469911707 Passport Number US PASSPORT Originating Police NY46148790 or Identification NY SID # Number Originating Police FL06587245 or Identification Number 566672615 Passport Number 03/08/2019 03/07/2029 US PASSPORT # ** SPECIAL CAUTIONS AND MEDICAL REMARKS SEPARATEE Mental Concerns Suicidal Tendencies TB CLEARANCE STATUS ASSESSMENT DATE EXPIRED NOT CLEARED DNA TEST DATE TAKEN? DEPUTY REMARKS/KIT # N/A No N/A FBI ARREST DETAINER DATE L/R ACTIVE? AGENCY REMARK aK KK RRKK N PRISONER ALIAS ALIAS REMARK EPSTEIN, JEFFREY E II. CUSTODY INFORMATION Custody 1 CUSTODY START DATE: 07/08/2019 END DATE: 08/10/2019 Printed by District: 92 This Information is the Property of the U.S. Marshals Service and Shall Not be Publicly Released or Disseminated Without U.S. Marshals Service Authority. Page 1 of 2 **l imited Official Use** United States Marshals Service - LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Prepared on: 08/27/2019 USM-129 Individual Custody/Detention Report Name: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD [USMS Number: 76318-054 FID: 10127184 | CUSTODY STATUS OFFICE START DATE: END DATE REMARK WI-CASE-RESOLVE 054 07/08/2019 08/10/2019 RL-SUICIDE 054 08/10/2019 08/10/2019 COURT CASE 1 DISTRICT OFFICE JUDGE US ATTORNEY DEFENSE ATTORNEY 19-CR-00490 NNANER PPAR) st. ARREST DATE ARRESTING AGENCY ARREST LOCATION NONRER. Arrests o7yoe/2019 __FRUERAL BUREAU OF CODE OFFENSE REMARK DISPOSITION offenses 3699 Sex Offense cone ee SEX TRAFFICK TS Other COURT CASE STATUS START DATE END DATE REMARK ARREST 07/08/2019 07/08/2019 WT-TRIAL 07/08/2019 08/10/2019 CASE-RESOLVED 08/10/2019 08/10/2019 INST INSTITUTION NAME ADMIT RELEASE BOARDED ACTION OR DISPOSITION NYM MCC New York 07/08/2019 08/10/2019 33 TOTAL DAYS BOARDED 33 (0 BND, 0 MED) IIIT. MEDICAL CONDITION/TREATMENT HISTORY DATE SERVICE PROVIDED VENDOR SERVICE PROVIDED KK [KK [KKK Printed by District: 92 “Limited Official Use** This Information is the Property of the U.S. Marshals Service and Shall Not be Publicly Released or Disseminated Without U.S. Marshals Service Authority. Page 2 of 2Prepared on: 08/27/2019 United States Marshals Service - LIMITED OFFICIAL USE USM-312 Personal History of Defendant |Name: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD USMS Number. 76318-054 | I. IDENTIFICATION DATA USMS NUMBER: 76318-054 NAME: EPSTEIN, JEFFREY EDWARD ADDRESS: 9 EAST 71ST NEW YORK, NY 10021 PHONE: (212) 533-3739 DOB: 01/20/1953 AGE: 66 POB: BROOKLYN, NY SEX: M RACE: W HAIR: BRO EYE: BLU HEIGHT: 6'00" WEIGHT: 185 SSN: 0904 10g FBI NBR/UCN: 787075K6 ALIEN NBR: OTHER NUMBER: OTHER NUMBER TYPE: FL06587245 Originating Police or Identification Number 566672615 Passport Number 516923892 Passport Number 469911707 Passport Number NY46148790 Originating Police or Identification Number AND MEDICAL ** SPECIAL CAUTIONS REMARKS SEPARATEE Mental Concerns Suicidal Tendencies Dent eST TAKEN? DEPUTY REMARKS/KIT # DATE N/A No N/A FBI ARREST DETAINER DATE ACTIVE? AGENCY REMARK wk [KK /RRKK N PRISONER ALIAS ALIAS REMARK EPSTEIN, JEFFREY E II. ASSOCIATE DATA (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) ASSOCIATE TYPE DOB AGE ADDRESS REMARK | BR | **/**/**** “Limited Official Use** This Information is the Property of the U.S. Marshals Service and Shall Not be Publicly Released or Disseminated Without U.S. Marshals Service Authority. Page 1 of 2Prepared on: 08/27/2019 United States Marshals Service - LIMITED OFFICIAL USE USM-312 Personal History of Defendant Name: EPSTEIN,JEFFREY EDWARD [USMS Number: 76318-054 EMPLOYMENT | EMPLOYMENT | DETAILS START END Kw [KK [KKK | KK / kK / kK | Occupation: BANKER Employer: Address: Contact: Kw [KK LKKKK | Ke / KK / KKK | Occupation: SOUTHERN TRUST COMPANY Employer: Address: Contact: Kw [KK KKKK | Ke /KK/*kKKX | Occupation: SELF EMPLOYED Employer: Address: Contact: III. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION LICENSE PLATE STATE TYPE EXP YEAR LICENSE NO. STATE EXP YEAR 0000025874 VI 2024 CTR: 1 CUSTODY START DATE: 07/08/2019 END DATE: 08/10/2019 PROPERTY MAILINGS NO PROPERTY RECEIVED IV. OFFENSE INFORMATION CTR COURT CASE NO. CUST DATE ARREST AGY STATUS ARREST DATE 1A 19-CR-00490 07/08/2019 FEDERAL BUREAU | Case is 07/08/2019 OF resolved INVESTIGATION OFFENSE REMARK 3699 - Sex Offense 18 USC 371 SEX TRAFFICKING CONSPIRACY “Limited Official Use** This Information is the Property of the U.S. Marshals Service and Shall Not be Publicly Released or Disseminated Without U.S. Marshals Service Authority. Page 2 of 2